Muzika Muzika 2025

Muzika Muzika 2025

Mużika Mużika is a festival that celebrates Maltese music and language. This festival provides a platform for local artists to showcase their talents through Maltese compositions performed with a live orchestra.

Previously known as the Festival Kanzunetta Maltija, it was revived in 2021 with the first edition held without a live audience in the hall. This edition received positive feedback from the television audience as well as the participating artists. The first winning song was ‘ĦARSA BISS’, performed by Glen Vella, with lyrics by Joe Julian Farrugia and composition by Philip Vella.

In the following years, Mużika Mużika continued to gain popularity among its followers and has become recognized as one of the most prestigious and high-caliber platforms for Maltese music.

MFCC, Ta Qali